Non-Fiction Texts

141 Die in Factory Fire
A Description of the Most Noble City of London
A Lecture on the Anti-Slavery Movement
A Letter to General John Bell Hood
A Letter to General William T. Sherman
A Letter to Meriwether Lewis
A Letter to the Treasurer of Spain on the Taino People
A List of Requirements
A Message to Congress on Indian Policy
A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Charles Ball
A New England Girlhood
A Short Discourse on the Present State of the Colonies
A Suffolk Farmhand at Gallipoli
Accounts of Colonial Life
Address to a Joint Session of Congress
Affidavit Given at Nuremberg
Africa at the Center
Alamo Massacre
An Account of a Late Military Massacre 1770
An Assyrian Palace
An Inquiry into the Wealth of Nations
An Interview with a Former Slave
Anti-Third Term Principle
Child Labor in the Mines
China's Warring States Period
Civil Rights Act 1866
Civil Rights Act 1964
Common Sense
Conflicting Accounts of the Battles of Lexington and Concord
Constantine Founds Constantinople
Cotton Gin Exterior
Cotton Gin
Defeat of the Spanish Armada
Depression-Era Soup Kitchen
Diary of a Confederate Soldier
Disappointment Is the Lot of Women
Emancipation Proclamation
Essay on Forms of Government
Execution by Guillotine
Experiments with Balloons
Exploring Maya Copan
F-105 Shoots at MIG-17
First Inaugural Address 1933
Four Minute Speech
France and the Hundred Years' War
Frenchmen, Is This What You Want
From Harlem to the Rhine
Gettysburg Address
Girls in Bloomers Take PE
How Cleopatra Charmed Antony
How I Served My Apprenticeship
How They're Acting and How They Feel
How Women Are Treated by the Pullman Company
Human Sacrifice Among the Aztecs
Immigrant Voices
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Iroquois Great Law of Peace
Japanese-American Testimony
JFK's Inaugural Address
Journal of the Voyage of the HMS Beagle
Letter to King George III
Letter to Lincoln on Evacuation
Letter to the Archbishop of Mainz
Letter XII - On the Lord Bacon
Letters Concerning the Investiture Controversy
Letters of Peter the Great and His Son Alexis
Letters to Eliza from a Union Soldier
Letters to His Family
Life in a Shelter
Lincoln's First Inaugural Address
Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address
Magna Carta
Man Reads Emancipation Announcement
Marcus Garvey and the UNIA
Mayflower Compact
Memoirs of Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun
Memos on the Aims of Germany and Japan
Men and Women
Narrative of Sojourner Truth
Nazis Burning Books in Germany
Nelson Mandela
Observations by Mark Twain
Observations on Schooling in Early America
Observations on the Taylor System
Ohio, the Mother of Presidents
On Predestination
On the Declaration of War
On the Destruction of the Indies
On the Need for Child Labor Laws
On the Space Program
On the Use of English in Indian Schools
On the White Men
Origins of Domesticated Plants
Peace Without Conquest
Presidential Proclamation September 12, 2001
Private Company Rule in the Congo
Questioning U.S. Involvement in Vietnam
Request for a Declaration of War
Resolutions 1773
Resolutions for American Duties 1764
Selection from the Ninety-Five Theses by Martin Luther
Selections from the Tao Te Ching
Selections of Cowboy Songs
Seneca Falls Declaration on Women's Rights
South African Ballot
Speech in the House of Commons
Speech on the Atlanta Compromise
Statement on the Atomic Bomb
Steel Mill Workers
Tallest Buildings in the World 1901
Ten Days That Shook the World
Tennessee Valley Authority Construction
Testimony Before Special Senate Committee on Atomic Energy
The Athenians and the Spartans
The Atlantic Charter
The Base-Ball Season
The Battle of Agincourt
The Battle of Shiloh, April 1862
The Battle of Waterloo - The Finale
The Black Codes of Mississippi
The Boer War - The Suffering of the Civilian Population
The Book of the General Laws
The Confession of Nat Turner
The Constitution of the United States
The Cro-Magnons
The Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti-Slavery Society
The Diary of Lady Murasaki Shikibu
The Discovery of the Oregon Trail
The Fall of Constantinople
The First Charter of Virginia
The Fourteen Points
The Fugitive Slave Act
The Function of Conscience
The German Army Marches through Brussels
The Glory of Constantinople
The Golden Frontier
The Irish Potato Famine
The Journal of the Ship May-Flower
The Letters of Napoleon I
The Life of Charlemagne
The Life of Gotama the Buddha
The Log of a Cowboy
The Maine - An Account of Her Destruction
The Modern City and the Municipal Franchise for Women
The Mother Country
The New Imperialism
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci
The Pleasures of Factory Life
The Question of Negro Slavery
The Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies
The Sentencing of the Luddites
The Social Contract
The Spirit of Laws
The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
The Story of Eliza Harris
The Sultan of Swat
The Tonkin Gulf Resolution
The Truman Doctrine
The Two Acre Lot
The USA v Susan B. Anthony
The Whites of Their Eyes
Two Treatises of Government
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
Wall Inscriptions from Pompeii
What Can I Do
Women Must Learn to Play the Game as Men Do